Sunday, October 5, 2008

More Surgeries

Maybe by the end of October I will have completed all surgeries and can get on with my life in a normal manner. On September 29th, I had the colonoscopy after drinking the nasty stuff all day on Sunday. So I went to the face doctor on Tuesday, for a piece of skin on my cheek just above my jaw bone. It looked like a skin tag. Well he took a piece of it and said return in two days. When I returned he said it was cancer and he would remove all of it. Now as you can see I have this three inch incision with stitches that will be removed in 10 days or actually October 13th. In the process of all this attention to my face I can't get the stitches wet so the Redness is showing on the forehead and the cheeks and nose. I will celebrate at the end of October with my girl's week-end planned to celebrate my baby girl's 40th birthday


TUFFENUF said...

Hey, it would have been cool if you could have kept the stitches until Halloween! The grandkids would have gotten a hoot out of it! Best of luck with no more face surgery!

Schiplady said...

Okay, enough is enough. No more surgery. You will be able to dress up for Halloween as a fairy princess if you keep this up !!