Friday, July 18, 2008

Eye Surgery

I went through the altimate surgery with stitches and multi coloring. I have discovered that Purple is not my color, and Red is not my color, So of course yellow with a tinge of green does not work for me either. Keeping your hair away for the surgery and stitches was a challenge also. When I went to the doctor on the third day after surgery, he ask if I had a dog or a cat because there were white hairs stuck to my stitches. No doc, that would be my hair..............Pretty Swollen and purple on the first day. Normal eye lids are 21 cm and mine were 39 cm so it was hampering my eye sight. The second day it starts looking like it is real painful, but actually it is not painful at all. The second day was more purple and the third day more to the red and then yellow is on the fourth day. The stitches come out on July 24Th and I am going to have to do some serious weight loss because the stretching rack I was looking for is not available so I'm on my own will power and watching what and when I eat and more movement. Oh my gosh that sounds so easy but I'm so easily side tracked. Be strong Bonnie it is possible. After all the new thing is 70 today is the new 50, so lets see that makes me 47 instead of 67, yeah that's the ticket, you go girl. By the way these pictures will come in handy for Halloween to scare the goblins. LOL

Recital Time in Bradenton

Shelby Gail and Sarah Beth worked all year for the big recital and it was the same week-end I had to work and could not go to the recital but they did an outstanding job as always. They make me so proud. They both truly love dancing I always grew up with the same love dancing. Here are the latest pix on them.